Linked Questions

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What is a “tenuous plasma”?

This term came up pretty quickly when reading about plasmas, and although it’s somewhat frequent in terms of use, I couldn’t find a clear explanation of what it is, so I figured it’d be useful, both ...
FizzKicks's user avatar
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Wave drag in the interstellar medium

In Earth's atmosphere, an object moving at supersonic or near-supersonic speed experiences wave drag due to the formation of shock waves around the object's leading edge. At high speeds, wave drag is ...
Thorondor's user avatar
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Mathematical form of distribution function with high energetic beam

Maxwell Boltzmann distribution function (MBDF) has the form $$f(v)=n(\frac{m}{2\pi k_BT})^{\frac{3}{2}} exp(-\frac{mv^2}{2k_BT})$$ [Basic Space Plasma Physics by Rudolf A. Treumann & Wolfgang ...
sreeraj t's user avatar
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In a plasma, can the ion temperature become larger than the electron temperature?

Let's assume a hydrogen gas, initially at low temperature The density is low enough so that heating of this gas by inverse bremsstrahlung can be neglected. Now if a high-intensity radiation source ...
OD IUM's user avatar
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Is this a valid interpretation of the mean relative speed/collision rate of particles in a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution?

In textbooks, the collision frequency $Z_{ab}$ between two species "a" and "b" is always given as something like: $$Z_{ab} = n_an_b\sigma_{ab} \Bigg(\frac{8 k T}{\pi \mu}\Bigg)^{1/...
beans's user avatar
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Electrons carry the bulk of heat flux in the solar wind?

In the introduction of the attached paper is mentioned that: Electrons provide additional heating by carrying the bulk of the solar wind heat flux and through collisions with the protons. Electron ...
Jokerp's user avatar
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Particle in kinetic gas theory without collision

Hello I have a (Gedankenexperiment) question about the kinetic gas theory. As far as I understand temperature corresponds to kinetic energy. Assume now there would be one particle that does not ...
Q.stion's user avatar
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How to decompose Plasma ion Drag Force on a particle moving through it?

Almost all papers on plasma mentioned that plasma ions drag on a particle is in the direction is opposite to the velocity of the particle. But no one said anything about the other two components; are ...
Lunthang Peter's user avatar
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Derivation of the Coulomb Collision Operator for Plasmas

I am attempting to learn about Coulomb collisions in the kinetic theory of plasmas. In doing so, I have come up with an "intuitive" derivation of a Coulomb collision operator. However, the ...
MeowBlingBling's user avatar
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Ion temperature in plasmas

Normally ions are considered to be at different temperature than other species in plasmas. My question is : How does ion-neutral collision effect ion temperature in a plasma ?
bubucodex's user avatar
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Is the average collision duration $\propto T^{1/2}/ P^2$?

Question So I was reading an old question of mine and realized the average collision duration $\langle \tau \rangle $ must be proportional to: $$ \langle \tau \rangle \propto \frac{T^{1/2}}{P^2}$$ ...
More Anonymous's user avatar
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Can you have two different Bohm velocities within a multispecies plasma?

How would you calculate 2 different bohm velocities in a multi species plasma, say H+ and N gas excited by a microwave reactor.
fermionicplants's user avatar

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