You have to realize that depending on the dimensions of the variables under consideration the laws of physics change.
When the dimensions are of order of $\hbar$, the Planck constant, it is the framework of quantum mechanics, and this is the underlying framework from which all other physics frameworks emerge. Quantum mechanics sees elementary particles, molecules and structures less than nanometers, although its results can manifest macroscopically, as in the crystal lattice order, or in superconductors and superfluids which obey large dimensions quantum mechanical equations. In addition to quantum mechanics at the particle level special relativity is also the law of nature.
Nature and physics which describes nature mathematically have no discontinuities. As dimensions grow statistical mechanics is the framework to describe ensembles of particles/atoms/molecules, in the beginning quantum statistical mechanics emerges as the next framework and then classical statistical mechanics where the velocities are such the Newtonian mechanics emerges from special relativity.
When instead of looking at the particulate nature of matter, numbers become very large macroscopically, order of $10^{23}$ particle per mole, thermodynamics emerges as a framework to describe the macroscopic behaviors. The laws of thermodynamics were discovered long before statistical mechanics. They seemed absolute and were for this reason called "laws" because they were the postulates on which the mathematics of thermodynamics was developed. But there is continuity, and in the framework on which thermodynamics emerges, statistical mechanics, the law of entropy is shown to be probabilistic, and holds with very very high probability as long as the numbers are of order $10^{23}$.
A common use of statistical mechanics is in explaining the thermodynamic behavior of large systems. Microscopic mechanical laws do not contain concepts such as temperature, heat, or entropy, however statistical mechanics shows how these concepts arise from the natural uncertainty that arises about the state of a system when that system is prepared in practice. The benefit of using statistical mechanics is that it provides exact methods to connect thermodynamic quantities (such as heat capacity) to microscopic behaviour, whereas in classical thermodynamics the only available option would be to just measure and tabulate such quantities for various materials. Statistical mechanics also makes it possible to extend the laws of thermodynamics to cases which are not considered in classical thermodynamics, for example microscopic systems and other mechanical systems with few degrees of freedom.
One can define entropy within statistical mechanics considering the probabilities of the microsystems contained in the macrosystem, for example the Gibbs entropy:
$$S=-k_B\sum_ip_i\ln p_i$$
The quantity $k_{B}$ is a physical constant known as Boltzmann's constant, which, like the entropy, has units of heat capacity. The logarithm is dimensionless.
So what is a law in one scale of physics is a value dependent on probabilities derived from the microstates. It is very very improbable for the atoms of the floor to align and kick the ball.