I'm reading QFT: Vol 1 by Weinberg and I have a (perhaps trivial) question about a statement he makes on page 63. I can follow him to his derivation of equation (2.5.2): \begin{equation} P^\mu U(\Lambda) |p,\sigma \rangle = \Lambda^\mu{}_\rho p^\rho U(\Lambda) |p,\sigma \rangle \end{equation} where the label $\sigma$ denotes all other degrees of freedom in addition to the four-momentum. Now, I can see that, in light of equation (2.5.1), the above equation implies: \begin{equation} U(\Lambda) |p,\sigma \rangle \propto |\Lambda p,\sigma \rangle \end{equation} and so I would write: \begin{equation} U(\Lambda) |p,\sigma \rangle = C |\Lambda p,\sigma \rangle \end{equation} where $C$ is normalization constant to be determined. However, according to Weinberg, equation (2.5.2) implies: \begin{equation} U(\Lambda)|p,\sigma\rangle = \sum_{\sigma'} C_{\sigma' \sigma}(\Lambda,p)|\Lambda p, \sigma'\rangle \end{equation} Now, I do not understand what the above equation exactly means. What does $\sigma'$ represent and why are we summing over it?
Thanks in advance.