Something has recently begun to trouble me, specifically, the presence of the viscous shear term - ie $\mu \nabla^2 \mathbf{u}$ - in the Navier-Stokes equations.
I'm somewhat troubled by the presence of this term because I'm not sure that shear forces can cause translational motion of the center of mass of a continuum body. If shear forces are, in fact, unable to cause translational motion, then they contribute nothing to the acceleration of a fluid element's center of mass, right?
Perhaps I should be asking a more fundamental question - does $\frac{D\mathbf{u}}{Dt}$ in the Navier-Stokes equations represent the accleration of the center of mass of a fluid element? If so, it seems like my objection is well-founded. If not, what are we determining the acceleration of, exactly?