I was reading this answer about how string theory may reproduce QFT. It talks about how, in the low energy limit, both theories may have the same scattering amplitudes.
This means that string theory and QFT can agree on scattering predictions.
But we also know that the fundamental observables in QFT are local observables tied to spacetime. Now (e.g. in David Tong's String Theory notes), the idea of local observables doesn't make sense in string theory because it's a theory of quantum gravity which makes the notion of spacetime fuzzy.
But, in the low energy limit of string theory, we have to reproduce the local observables of QFT, and we have to reproduce the predictions about the expectation values of these observables (with respect to an arbitrary state). How is this achieved in string theory?
More precisely, how is the following step carried out:
Define the states and field observables of QFT as approximations of states and observables of strings theory, after taking the low energy limit, and show that QFT's predictions are approximated by string theory's predictions
The particles states of string theory can easily be identified with the particle states of QFT.
If we then identify local field observables with observables of strings theory, in the low energy limit, we establish a correspondence between the predictions of the two theories.
So what is the identification relationship between the observables of two theories?
A scheme that several people have suggested is to simply defined local field observables $\phi (x,0)$ in string theory, in terms of linear combinations of string creation and annihilation operators.
But this scheme does not reproduce time dependent predictions that QFT makes about local observables $\phi(x,t)$. In QFT, these observables are arrived at using the Heisenberg picture evolution of the observables $\phi(x,0)$ But in string theory, this method doesn't work as we don't have finite time unitary evolution. We only have the S-matrix which evolves the asymptotic past to the asymptotic future.
In a nutshell, I would require this from the answer :
In QFT, I prepare a field in a state $\rho$, I evolve it for a time $t$ to get $\rho (t)$, I perform a measurement of a local observable A, and I get an expected value prediction of $Tr(\rho(t)A)$
- What is the string theoretic description of this experiment?
- Why is prediction of the string theory close to the QFT's prediction for this experiment?