In quantum field theory most observables $A$ do not have a definite value in the ground state (vacuum). For an observable $A$, a reasonable measure of the spread in the ground state is its variance $\operatorname{Var} A$ defined by, $$ \operatorname{Var} A=\left\langle 0\left|(A-\langle 0|A| 0\rangle)^2\right| 0\right\rangle. $$
In Klein Gordon field theory for a free real scalar consider the observable $$ A(a)=\pi^{-3 / 2} a^{-3} \int d^3 x \phi(\mathbf{x}, 0) e^{-\mathbf{x}^2 / a^2} $$
The Gaussian weighting has been normalized to unit so $A(a)$ is a smoothed out version of $\phi(\mathbf{0}, 0)$.
(a) Express the vacuum variance of $A(a)$ as an integral over a single variable.
(b) Show that in the limiting case of very large or very small $a$ that $$ \operatorname{Var} A(a)=\alpha a^\beta+\ldots . $$ $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are constants and the ellipses are less important terms. Find $\alpha$ and $\beta$. Note that $\operatorname{Var} A(a)$ goes to zero for large $a$ and blows up for small $a$, so quantum effects are most important on small scales.