Following Polchinski volume I, p 126 onwards, The BRST variation of fields $\phi^{i}$ is given by $$\delta_{B} \phi_{i} = - i \epsilon c^{\alpha} {\delta}_{\alpha}\phi_{i} \; .\tag{4.2.6a}$$ My question is as follows; why is the variation of a function of the fields, ${F}^A(\phi)$, which in this contexts defines the gauge fixing condition, $$\delta_{B} F(\phi) = - i \epsilon c^{\alpha} {\delta}_{\alpha}F^{A}(\phi) \; ?\tag{1}$$
If one uses standard variational techniques (in this case the chain rule) one should arrive at
\begin{align*} \delta_{B} F(\phi) &= \delta_{B}\phi_{i} \frac{\delta}{\delta \phi_{i}} F^{A}(\phi) \\ &=-i \epsilon {c}^{\alpha}\delta_{\alpha} \phi_{i} \frac{\delta}{\delta \phi_{i}} F^{A}(\phi)\tag{2}. \end{align*} In previous posts here, and here the users then equate $\phi_{i} \frac{\delta}{\delta \phi_{i}} F^{A}(\phi)$ with ${F}^{A}(\phi)$ why can we do this? Naively if ${F}^{A}(\phi)$ was, say, a polynomial in the fields, $\phi^{n}$ with $n > 1$ then one would expect to arrive at the variation
$$\delta_{B} F(\phi) = - i \color{red}{n} \epsilon c^{\alpha} {\delta}_{\alpha}F^{A}(\phi) \; .\tag{3}$$
What am I doing wrong that has sent me on such a divergence?