Currently I am studying string theory and I encountered a bunch of interrelated problems in the context of BRST quantization which I can't solve for myself although I tried hard for some days.
The question concerns eq. (4.2.20) of Polchinski's textbook. In eq. (4.2.1) he defines the structure functions as follows
$$[\delta_\alpha,\delta_\beta]=f^\gamma_{\alpha\beta}\delta_\gamma\tag{4.2.1} $$
In the following calculation I use precisely this definition. In the subsection about the BRST quantization of the point-particle, Polchinski computes the commutator of two gauge transformations. I tried to verify eq. (4.2.20) using $$\delta_{\tau_1}X^\mu(\tau)~=~-\delta(\tau-\tau_1)\partial_\tau X^\mu(\tau) \tag{4.2.19}$$ from eq. (4.2.19) as follows
$$\begin{align} [\delta_{\tau_1},\delta_{\tau_2}]X^\mu(\tau)&=\delta_{\tau_1}(\delta_{\tau_2}X^\mu(\tau))-\delta_{\tau_2}(\delta_{\tau_1}X^\mu(\tau))\\[2pt] &=\left[-\delta(\tau-\tau_1)\partial_\tau(\delta_{\tau_2}X^\mu(\tau))\right]-\left[-\delta(\tau-\tau_2)\partial_\tau(\delta_{\tau_1}X^\mu(\tau))\right]\\[2pt] &=\left[-\delta(\tau-\tau_1)\partial_\tau(-\delta(\tau-\tau_2)\partial_\tau X^\mu(\tau))\right]-\left[-\delta(\tau-\tau_2)\partial_\tau(-\delta(\tau-\tau_1)\partial_\tau X^\mu(\tau))\right]\\[2pt] &=\left[\delta(\tau-\tau_1)\partial_\tau\delta(\tau-\tau_2)-\delta(\tau-\tau_2)\partial_\tau\delta(\tau-\tau_1)\right]\partial_\tau X^\mu(\tau)\\[2pt] &=\int\mathrm{d}\tau_3\,(-1)\left[\delta(\tau_3-\tau_1)\partial_{\tau_3}\delta(\tau_3-\tau_2)-\delta(\tau_3-\tau_2)\partial_{\tau_3}\delta(\tau_3-\tau_1)\right]\left(-\delta(\tau-\tau_3)\partial_\tau X^\mu(\tau)\right)\\[2pt] &\equiv\int\mathrm{d}\tau_3\,f^{\tau_3}_{\tau_1\tau_2}\delta_{\tau_3}X^\mu(\tau) \end{align}$$
where the structure functions are given by
In going from the third to the fourth line, the terms of the form $\partial_\tau\partial_\tau X^\mu(\tau)$ cancel. In the next-to-last line I introduced a $\delta$-distribution in order to get $\delta_{\tau_3}X^\mu(\tau)$. Comparing my structure functions with eq. (4.2.21), there is a different sign. In the second line of eq. (4.2.20) the minus sign seemingly appears out of nothing. Can you make sense of this? Or is there a mistake in my calculations? Obviously, the sign of the structure functions directly influences the sign of the BRST variation of the c-ghost in eq. (4.2.22e).
It may well be that I miss the wood for the trees since I am trying for a few days. I guess I made some silly mistake, but I can't see where. It would be nice if someone could help me with these problems!