I have three questions about the BRST symmetry in Polchinski's string theory vol I p. 126-127, which happen together
Given a path integral $$ \int [ d\phi_i dB_A db_A d c^{\alpha}] \exp(-S_1-S_2-S_3) \tag{4.2.3}$$ with $$ S_2 =-iB_A F^A (\phi) \tag{4.2.4}$$ $$ S_3 = b_A c^{\alpha} \delta_{\alpha} F^A(\phi) \tag{4.2.5} $$
the BRST transformation $$ \delta_B \phi_i = -i \epsilon c^{\alpha} \delta_{\alpha} \phi_i \tag{4.2.6a} $$ $$ \delta_B B_A=0 \tag{4.2.6b} $$ $$ \delta_B b_A = \epsilon B_A \tag{4.2.6c} $$ $$ \delta_B c^{\alpha} = \frac{i}{2} \epsilon f^{\alpha}_{\beta \gamma} c^{\beta} c^{\gamma} \tag{4.2.6d} $$
It is said
There is a conserved ghost number which is $+1$ for $c^{\alpha}$, $-1$ for $b_A$ and $\epsilon$, and 0 for all other fields.
How to see that?
The variation of $S_2$ cancels the variation of $b_A$ in $S_3$
I could get $i B_A \delta F^A$ in $\delta S_2$ and $(\delta_B b_A) c^{\alpha} \delta_{\alpha} F^A= \epsilon B_A c^{\alpha} \delta_{\alpha} F^A $ in $\delta S_3$. But there is a $c^{\alpha}$ in $\delta S_3$
the variations of $\delta_{\alpha} F^A$ and $c^{\alpha}$ in $S_3$ cancel.
How to see that?