I have two related questions about some of the steps in the BRST section of Polchinski's String Theory book.
Question 1
Eq. \eqref{eq:4.2.8} of Polchinski's book reads $$ \begin{align} \epsilon \delta\langle f| i\rangle & =i\langle f| \delta_{\mathrm{B}}\left(b_a \delta F^a\right)|i\rangle \\ & =-\epsilon\langle f|\left\{Q_{\mathrm{B}}, b_a \delta F^a\right\}|i\rangle. \end{align}\tag{4.2.8}\label{eq:4.2.8} $$
I can show the first equality to hold true. But for the second equality to be true I would require that $$\delta_B(b_a \delta F^a)=i \epsilon \{Q_B,b_a \delta F^a\} \tag{1}\label{eq:1}$$ where $Q_B$ is the BRST conserved current.
My first question is: why does eq. \eqref{eq:1} here hold true?
Question 2
Polchinski says:
In order to move around in the space of gauge choices, the BRST charge must remain conserved. Thus it must commute with the change in the Hamiltonian.
That statement I am fine with, but he then writes down $$0=[Q_B,\{Q_B,b_a \delta F^a\}]. \tag{4.2.12}\label{eq:4.2.12}$$ I suppose that implies that the change in Hamiltonian is somehow related to the anti-commutator $\{Q_B,b_a \delta F^a\}$, but I don't see how.
My second question is: why does eq. \eqref{eq:4.2.12} hold true?