I have a question about Schmid’s law for an arbitrary stress state. I found conflicting expressions and I would like to know which one is correct.
$\boldsymbol{s}$: slip direction
$\boldsymbol{n}$: slip plane normal
$\boldsymbol{m}$: Schmid or slip tensor
$\boldsymbol{\sigma}$: Cauchy stress tensor
$\tau$: shear stress
The first expression (1) I found is the following: $$\mathbf{m} = \boldsymbol{s} \otimes \boldsymbol{n} $$ $$ \tau = \boldsymbol{m}:\boldsymbol{\sigma} $$
The second expression (2) I found is the following: $$\mathbf{m} = \frac{1}{2}(\boldsymbol{s} \otimes \boldsymbol{n} + \boldsymbol{n} \otimes \boldsymbol{s}) $$ $$ \tau = \boldsymbol{\sigma}:\boldsymbol{m} $$
It seems like $\boldsymbol{m}$ in the first expression would equate $\boldsymbol{m}$ in the second one if $\boldsymbol{m}$ would be symmetric, but as far as I understand, this is not possible. I do not understand how the second expression is correct. Is the second expression correct? Why?
Expression 1: http://pajarito.materials.cmu.edu/lectures/Polycrystal_plasticity-Aniso3-11Feb20.pdf
Expression 2: https://matperso.minesparis.psl.eu/Donnees/data14/1479-CrystalX.pdf - http://mms2.mines-paristech.fr/public/mms_paris/animations/Surface/e_Surface-form-monox.pdf
Thank you very much for your help.