When doing $T \bar T$-deformation to 2d CFTs, it is interesting to ask how the original energy spectrum is shifted throughout the procedure. This is done as follows.
As mentioned in several papers/reviews: [1,2,3], the factorisation property of $T \bar T$ for a deformed CFT on a cylinder with radius $R$ reads (equation (35) in [1]) $$ \langle n|T \bar T|n\rangle = -\pi^2 \left(\langle n|T_{yy}|n\rangle\langle n|T_{xx}|n\rangle - \langle n|T_{xy}|n\rangle \langle n|T_{xy}|n\rangle \right).\tag{35} $$ Upon identifying $$ \langle n|T_{yy}|n\rangle = - \frac{1}{R} E_n(R;\alpha), \quad \langle n|T_{xx}|n\rangle = - \frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm d R}E_n(R;\alpha), \quad \langle n|T_{xy}|n\rangle = \frac{\mathrm i}{R} P_n(R), \tag{36-37} $$ where $E_n(R;\alpha), P_n(R)$ are the energy/momentum eigenvalues of state $|n\rangle$ with deformation parameter $\alpha$, respectively, we get $$ \langle n| T \bar T|n\rangle = - \frac{\pi^2}{R}\left(E_n(R;\alpha) \frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dR} E_n(R;\alpha) + \frac{1}{R} P_n^2(R)\right).\tag{38} $$
The next step, which I don't understand properly, is to interpret $$ \langle n| T \bar T|n\rangle \stackrel{!}{=} \frac{\pi^2}{R} \frac{\partial}{\partial \alpha} E_n(R;\alpha), $$ which gives the Burgers' equation, describing the shift in energy spectrum.
I don't quite understand the last step. Could anyone elaborate why one can identify the expectation value of $T \bar T$ with $\partial E_n/\partial \alpha$?