We know, the lowest order relativistic correction to the Hamiltonian for the Hydrogen atom is $$H^{'}=-\frac{p^{4}}{8m^{3}c^{2}}$$ Where, $$p=-\frac{\hbar}{i}\nabla$$ So, is $p^{2}=-\hbar^{2}\nabla^{2}$ and $p^{4}=\hbar^{4}\nabla^{2}(\nabla^{2})$?
In various sources, for calculating the first order correction to the energy, a fact has been utilized that the perturbation is spherically symmetric.
a) First of all, what should a spherically symmetric operator look like?
b) Secondly, does this mean that the operator $\nabla^{2}(\nabla^{2})$ is spherically symmetric? If so, how to prove that? Or is there any easy way to intuitively understand that? Any help is appreciated.