It is easily proven that:
$$\partial_{\lambda} F_{\mu \nu} + \partial_{\mu} F_{\nu \lambda}+ \partial_{\nu} F_{\lambda \mu} = 0$$
Lots of sources say this equation implies the Homogeneous Maxwell equations: $\nabla \times \mathbf E + \dfrac{\partial \mathbf B}{\partial t} = 0$ and $\nabla \cdot \mathbf B = 0$.
But I cannot find a proof of this derivation.
This is clear from their definitons: $\mathbf B = \nabla \times \mathbf A$ and $\mathbf E = -\nabla \phi - \dot{\mathbf A}$, since $\nabla \cdot (\nabla \times \mathbf v) = 0$ and $\nabla \times (\nabla f) = 0$.
But how can I find these results from the Bianchi identity?