The written equation is the Schroedinger equation for a Klein-Gordon particle. The written Hamiltonian is the correct one: it is the restriction of the QFT Hamiltonian to the one-particle space.
The Hilbert space is made of functions which solve the said equation and that can be written as
$$\psi(t, \vec{x}) = \int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \frac{\hat{\psi}(\vec{k})}{\sqrt{m^2+ \vec{k}^2}}e^{i(\vec{k}\cdot \vec{x}- t \sqrt{m^2+\vec{k}^2})} \frac{d\vec{k}}{(2\pi)^{3/2}} \tag{1}$$
$$\int_{\mathbb{R}^3} |\hat{\psi}(\vec{k})|^2 d\vec{k}< +\infty$$
Though the equation is relativistically invariant (though it is not co-variant), the equation gives rise to non-local solutions as is well-known.
The active action Poincaré group is the usual one $(U_{(V,\Lambda)}\psi)(x) = \psi (\Lambda^{-1}(x -V))$ and it preserves (1) and the Schroedinger equation.
Non locality can be intepreted as follows in addition to the, in a sense, trivial intepretation that the Hamiltonian is not the linear combination of differential operators. (I am assuming in the rest of this asnswer that $\vec{k} \in \mathbb{R}$ to dela with standard complex-variable function instead of functions of many complex variables, the extension to that case involves some subtleties.)
Suppose that at $t=0$ the initial datum $\psi(0,\vec{x})$ vanishes outside a ball of finite radius $R$ centered at the origin. One expects that after $t>0$ seconds the support of the solution $\psi(t,\vec{x})$ is still bounded in a ball of finite radius $R+ct$. As a matter of fact this is false: after evry arbitrarily short time $t>0$ the support of the solution fulfills the whole space.
The mathematical reason of this sort of nonlocality is due to the fact that the function
$$\vec{k} \mapsto e^{-it \sqrt{m^2+\vec{k}^2}}$$
is not the real restriction of an entiere analytic function defined in the whole complex $\vec{k}$ plane for $t>0$ as the Paley-Wiener theorem requires. Notice that instead
$$ \frac{\hat{\psi}(\vec{k})}{\sqrt{m^2+ \vec{k}^2}}e^{i\vec{k}\cdot \vec{x}}$$
is such a function by hypothesis (the fourier transform must have a shape such that it cancel the branch points of $\sqrt{m^2+k^2}$ arising from $\vec{k}^2=-m^2$ on the imaginary axis), but when we switch on $t$ the nature of the function changes, bacause of the function $t\sqrt{m^2+k^2}$.
The non-local feature of the written Schroedinger equation is still the object of many discussions in relation to the problem of localisation of a relativistic particle which is a longstandig issue.