I'm curious about the fact that it is impossible to consider a frame of reference where a photon is the reference itself (meaning a frame of reference where this photon can't move).
I looked for answers in other SE questions. In the first one: Frame of reference of the photon? I read:
there is no frame of reference for the photon because there is no frame of reference in which the photon is at rest.
This surprises me. Indeed, the Galilean principle of relativity says:
The laws of mechanics have the same form in all inertial frames.
Looking to an answer of a similar question in SE (which is Would time freeze if you could travel at the speed of light? ), I also read:
Since arguments from positivism can often kill off perfectly interesting and reasonable concepts, we might ask whether there are other reasons not to allow such frames. There are. One of the most basic geometrical ideas is intersection.
Unfortunately, those complete explanations are too complicated for me.
Does anyone have a more simple way to explain why it is impossible to consider a photon as a frame of reference? I'm really curious about how a photon would "see" the universe around him.