I'm wondering why the magnetic forces on a rectangular small current-loop of side $\delta x$ and $\delta y$, lying in the $xy$ plane are the following ones (Eq.(18) of "Small Current-Loops"):
$$ F_x = I \, \delta y \, B_z (x + \delta x) − I \, \delta y \, Bz (x) \\ = I \, \delta y \frac{\partial B_z}{\partial x} \, \delta x = m \, \frac{\partial B_z}{\partial x} $$
I tried to get them by using the Laplace's force (also here) formula ($d\boldsymbol{l} = (\delta x, \, \delta x, \, 0)^T$):
$$ F(x, y, z) = I \, d\boldsymbol{l} \, \times \, \boldsymbol{B} = I \begin{pmatrix} B_z \, \delta y \\ - B_z \, \delta x \\ B_y \, \delta x - B_x \, \delta y \end{pmatrix} $$
and the I tried to evaluate:
$$F_x = F_x (x + \delta x) - F_x (x) = I \, B_z(x + \delta x) \, \delta y - I \, B_z(x) \, \delta y $$
but this is wrong.
EDIT: the $F_y$, according to eq. (18) is:
$$ F_y = I \, \delta x \, B_z (y + \delta y) − I \, \delta x \, Bz (y) \\ = I \, \delta x \frac{\partial B_z}{\partial y} \, \delta x = m \, \frac{\partial B_z}{\partial y} $$
in this case maybe there are two mistakes (1) the last term should be $\delta y$, and (2) there should be a minus sign:
$$ F_y = - I \, \delta x \, \delta y \, \frac{\partial B_z(y)}{\partial y} $$
The Taylor's expansion I applied is:
$$ B_z(y+\delta y)\simeq B_z(y)+\frac{\partial B_z}{\partial y}(y)\,\delta y $$
if I apply it to the eq. 18, "it works" (*); instead, if I apply it to my equation (the component $- B_z(y) \, \delta x$ I reported in the above vector $F(x,y,z)$), it gives me a minus sign.
(*) Actually the term $\delta y$ doesn't appear in the final result and this is an error because it is wrong to write $m = I \, \delta x \, \delta x$; indeed in the equation of the $F_x$ we have $m = I \, \delta x \, \delta y$.