I've read the definition of the electromagnetic field tensor to be \begin{equation}F^{\mu\nu}\equiv\begin{pmatrix}0&E_x&E_y&E_z\\-E_x&0&B_z&-B_y\\-E_y&-B_z&0&B_x\\-E_z&B_y&-B_x&0\end{pmatrix}\tag{*}\end{equation} in Introduction to Electrodynamics by David Griffiths, or as $$F_{\mu\nu}\equiv\begin{pmatrix}0&-E_x&-E_y&-E_z\\E_x&0&B_z&-B_y\\E_y&-B_z&0&B_x\\E_z&B_y&-B_x&0\end{pmatrix}$$ on the Lecture Notes on GR by Sean Carroll, which I know to be consistent via ${F_{\mu\nu}=\eta_{\mu\alpha}F^{\alpha\beta}\eta_{\beta\nu}}$ where the metric $\eta_{\rho\sigma}$ has a $(-+++)$ signature.
However on Wikipedia and other sources (sorry I can't remember) they use a $(+---)$ signature and they define the EM tensor to be the negative of ${(*)}$.
These are my thoughts about it: The antisymmetry $F^{\mu\nu}=-F^{\nu\mu}$ may point out that it's just an unfortunate mix of index letters and that for the sources notation to be consistent, either the first two or Wikipedia should change $\mu\nu$ to $\nu\mu$. If not the case, the properties seem to be the same; at first I thought the inner product would pop out a minus sign of difference, but it of course didn't happen, and as for other entities I've worked with, e. g. the 4-velocity, though the metric signature can change, the contravariant vector is the same in either case. However again, I've read the stress-energy tensor does change sign depending on the signature.
So is the signature of the metric involved in the definition of ${F^{\mu\nu}}$ or any tensor whatsoever? If so, how can I know what signature is involved? or if not, what's the matter with the minus sign difference on the definitions?