I understand that string theory (broadly defined) is a solution to quantum gravity. That is, it is a unified theory the explains both quantum phenomena (such as the particles of the standard model observed in particle colliders) and gravitational phenomena (such as gravitational waves, black holes, curved spacetime etc.).
But I also understand that people are unhappy with string theory because of something like: "there are way to many versions of it and we don't know how to select the right version".
This somehow reminds me of the case regular modern day physics. Take for example the mass of a certain flavor of neutrino. We don't know the mass exactly, but based on certain experiments we can constrain the mass to be within some certain range that is compatible with existing experiments.
It sounds to me like the zoo of string theories are all consistent with all current experiments (if there is a theory that is inconsistent with current experiments then I would say the study of that particular theory is more mathematics than physics). But, if there are many different theories they must make different predictions about something, and those predictions could be tested.
What are these predictions? In other words, what experiments could we perform in principle to select between different versions of string theory?
I'm personally imagining things like:
- Take a massive particle and put it in a large spatial superposition. Examine it's gravitational effects on a test mass.
- Make an EPR pair, send one into one black hole and the other into another black hole. Monitor All the Hawking radiation in $4 \pi$ angle for both black holes until they both evaporate, draw some conclusion.
- Particle collider experiments that can detect gravitons or something in addition to the regular standard model particles.
- Entangle two particles and move them through regions of large gravitational curvature, observe something.
These are just random things I thought of that (1) involve a quantum gravity theory to make a prediction and (2) haven't been done yet to my knowledge. They're also things I just made up, so I'm curious if some string theorist could point me towards actual predictions/future experiment proposals that could in principle help us rule out certain flavors of string theory in favor of others.
Perhaps it's the case that we don't even need quantum gravity experiments to downselect between existing solutions to string theory. Perhaps for many solutions to string theory we don't even know if they are consistent or not with existing quantum and gravitational experiments. If this is the case I'd like to know this as well.