I am reading Howard Georgi's book "Lie Algebras in Particle Physics" where he writes the following (chapter 1.14:eigenstates):
"... if some irreducible representation appears only once in the Hilbert space, then the states in that representation must be eigenstates of $H$ (and any other invariant operator)."
The irreducible representation here, as far as I can tell, is meant to be part of a representation $D(g)$ on the full Hilbert space and we assume $H$ to commute with $D(g): [H, D(g)] = 0.$
My question is: what is meant by "appearing only once" in the Hilbert space? Does it mean that, when I write the full representation D(g) as a direct sum of irreps, it appears only once in this direct sum?
To motivate why I think this is the case: in this work explaining Schur's Lemma it is stated that, if the Hamiltonian commutes with $D(g) = \begin{pmatrix}\pi(g) & 0 \\ 0 & \pi(g) \end{pmatrix}$ where $\pi(g)$ is an irrep, then Schur's lemma does not apply but we can say that $H = \begin{pmatrix}A \mathbb{I} & B \mathbb{I} \\C\mathbb{I} & D\mathbb{I} \end{pmatrix}$.
So my questions are: 1) is my assumption correct? and 2) can you point me to an example for the two different cases (an irrep appearing once and more than once) that may potentially clarify my confusion?