A reducible representation of a group $g \rightarrow D(g)$ is one which leaves a subspace $U$ invariant, i.e. $D(g)|u\rangle \in U, \space \forall |u\rangle \in U$.A completely reducible representation is one that can be broken down into a direct sum of irreducible representations.
In Howard Georgi's book "Lie Algebras in Particle Physics", he defines irreducible representations in terms of projection operators (page 5 Equation 1.11) in terms of projection operators P that project onto the invariant subspace:
$$ PD(g)P = D(g)P$$ where, presumably
$$ P = \sum_{\alpha} |\alpha \rangle \langle\alpha|$$.
Furthermore, Georgi defines completely reducible representations to be those in which both $P$ and $1-P$ project on to an invariant(under the action of $D(g)$) subspace.
I'm struggling to see how Georgi's definitions are equivalent to the first.