I have two questions concerning Wigner's transformation law for irreps of the Poincare group: \begin{equation} U[\Lambda,\vec{a}]\vert p,\sigma\rangle=e^{ip\cdot a}D_{\sigma'\sigma}[\Lambda;p]\vert \Lambda p,\sigma'\rangle \end{equation}
Question 1: Should this transformation law be thought of as taking place on some Cauchy surface $\Sigma$ in Minkowski space? For example the Cauchy surface $t=constant$? i.e. Is the Hilbert space of states $\vert p,\sigma\rangle$ located on a three dimensional surface in Minkowski space? In which case would it not be more accurate to index the states with a reference to which hypersurface they are associated to?
\begin{equation} \vert p,\sigma\rangle\rightarrow \vert p,\sigma\rangle_{\Sigma}? \end{equation}
Question 2: If the answer to question $1$ is "yes, the Hilbert space of the $\vert p,\sigma\rangle$ is located on a co-dimension 1 hypersurface $\Sigma$", then should one take into account that the hypersurface is not invariant under all Poincare transformations?
For example if we take the Cauchy surface to be a constant time slice $t=c_1$, then under a time translation by an amount $t_2$ the hypersurface will also change, so a more accurate transformation law would be
\begin{equation} e^{-i \hat{H} t_2}\vert p,\sigma\rangle_{t=c_1}=e^{-iE t_2}\vert p,\sigma\rangle_{t=c_1+t_2} \end{equation} where the subscript on the states indicate the changing Cauchy surface under a time translation.