I brought some of the questions from the Korean SAT. In the context of Hubble's law, galaxies A, B, and C appear like pictures. (The $y$-axis is the recessional speed, and the $x$-axis is the distance)
This problem compares the recessional velocity of galaxy C with the galaxy C 2 billion years ago. The problem explanation explains: “2 billion years ago, it would have been closer than the current distance, so recessional speed 2 billion years ago would have been smaller.”
I point out the following errors: First, this problem did not take into account the Hubble constant value 2 billion years ago. Second, the recessional velocity 2 billion years ago is that deceleration expansion, acceleration expansion, and constant velocity expansion should be considered depending on the universe model. Like the picture below.
Do you think the recesional velocity of galaxy c from 2 billion years ago would be less than the current value?
So I think we should discuss that the velocity was greater or smaller 2 billion years ago, depending on the expansion model of the universe, rather than simply because the distance was smaller. Am I right?