I want a different proof of 6 degrees of freedom of a solid object made of $N$ particles. I am thinking along these lines:
The definition of rigid body is
$$\left\lvert \vec{r_i}-\vec{r_j} \right\rvert = \text{constant} \ \forall\ i,j \, .$$
This gives me $^NC_2$ constraints. There exist in total $3N$ equations, so the number of free variables should be $$n= 3N - \ ^NC_2=\frac{N(5-N)}{2}$$ which is clearly not the answer as $n$ is $N$ dependent, but it should be $6$.
I want to show that
$$\text{number of constraints actually required} = 3N - 6$$
which is the correct answer since I know $n=6$.
I am aware of the proof given in Goldstein, Rana Joag etc. I am asking is how to do it following this approach.