Does the usual commutation relationship $$[q,p]=i\hbar\tag{56}$$ change to $$[q,p]=\hbar\tag{55}$$ when making a Wick rotation to Euclidean time? and if so, what is the physical reason to understanding why it must change?
I have seen this article ( that seems to suggest this is the case. The logic in going from Eq. 55 to Eq. 56 is not clear from what is written though. My best guess is that the author must have done something similar to the following:
Starting with Eq. 55 in the article $$ [q,p]=\delta(\tau-\tau'), $$ using the definition of imaginary time ($\tau=it/\hbar$) and the scaling property of the delta function one gets $$ [q,p]= \delta\left(\frac{i}{\hbar}(t-t')\right)\stackrel{?}{=}i\hbar\delta(t-t'), $$ where I have inserted the delta functions in myself to try and rationalize the result of the article. I'm 99% sure these manipulations are not valid, they are just my guess.
Furthermore, if this result is true it seems very strange for several reasons. The main one being that in Euclidean time the commutator resembles the classical Poisson bracket. It is very counter intuitive (at least to me) that a simple change of variables could just make a system classical. I would appreciate any light that could be shed on this topic.