I have read in some textbooks (such as Griffiths' Electrodynamics) that ultimately there are only four forces underlying all physical phenomena: 1) Gravitational 2) Electromagnetic 3) + 4) Weak and Strong Forces. It is then argued that all of those contact forces that we encounter in everyday life, such as normal forces, friction forces, tension forces, drag forces and push and pull forces are ultimately electromagnetic in nature.
So I am wondering: How is a setup such as me pulling on a rope attached to a cart an electromagnetic process? I found some useful explanations here:
Conceptual doubt in Tension force
But it raises another question for me: What about the pull that I exert on the rope, or on the "initial" molecule on the rope? How is that electrical in nature? And what about the rope pulling the cart?
Also, say I lift a mass from the ground by grabbing it and lifting it: How is that electrical in nature?
I hope someone can bring some light into this!