I am reading on fractons. In the literature, it is said that factons are fractionalized excitations.
My understanding about fractons is that it is energetically costly to move fractons, and in this sense, fractons are intrinsically immobile. I also know that there are two types of fractons where type I fractons can form composite quasiparticles, which are mobile, and type II fractons are fundamentally immobile as the energy cost for moving them is infinite.
However, I have not seen much discussion about how fractons are "fractionalized" excitations. I recall from my reading on quantum Hall effects that the name "fractionalized" excitation is associated with the fractional statistics (i.e. topological spin) of quasiparticles in the context of fractional quantum Hall effect. What does this "fractionalization" mean in the context of fractons? Are these two notations of "fractionalized" excitations related?