How to Wick rotate the instanton number of Yang-Mills theory? (Related to the earlier question Wick rotate the Yang-Mills $SU(N)$ gauge theory's field strength?)
My question is particularly about the statements in Weinberg, how to establish from Euclidean (23.6.4) to Minkowski (23.6.5)?
How to justify the conventions chosen for:
$\epsilon^{ijkl}$ vs. $\epsilon^E_{ijkl}$?
$F_{34}$ vs. $F_{30}$?
$$ v=\frac{1}{64\pi^2}\int (d^4x)_E \ \epsilon^E_{ijkl}F_{\alpha ij}F_{\alpha kl}\tag{23.6.4} $$ This can be expressed in terms of a Minkowskian path integral; since $(d^4x)_E = i\ d^4x$; $F_{\alpha 34}=-iF_{\alpha 30}$; and $\epsilon^{1230}=-1$, Eq. (23.6.4) may be written $$ v=-\frac{1}{64\pi^2}\int d^4x \ \epsilon^{\kappa\lambda\rho\sigma}F_{\alpha \kappa\lambda}F_{\alpha \rho\sigma} \tag{23.6.5} $$