Configuration space has been mentioned in many different areas of physics and from my personal experience I have found the definition has been different from topic to topic.
There are two examples to demonstrate my confusion. In standard lagrangian mechanics, the generalised coordinates span the configuration space. For example a particle in a newtonian setting has a configuration space $Q=\mathbb{R}^3$. The particles trajectory is then a particular curve in this configuration space. The configuration space for this example is finite dimensional.
Now consider classical field theory. We are told the configuration space for a field (with $n$ components) that depends on position and time, $\phi(t,x,y,z)$, is infinite dimensional with each point in configuration space representing a different function $\phi: \mathbb{R}^4 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$, that is, a particular configuration is an element of configuration space. The feynman functional integral over configurations is a functional integrated over configuration space.
These seem like two different definitions to me. Following the first example then by analogy surely the configuration space would just be $\mathbb{R}^n$ and a particular configuration would be represented by a 'path' (function $f:\mathbb{R}^4$ to configuration space) in said space?