I try to work it out following the clues from G.Smith for a complete record.
in 2-d polar coordinate, the velocity $\vec{v}$
\vec{v} = \dot{r} \hat{r} + r \dot{\theta} \hat{\theta} = v_r \hat{r} + v_{\theta} \hat{\theta}
The radial component $ v_r = \dot{r} = \frac{dr}{dt}$. The time $T$ from point $A$ to point $B$ can be write as the integral:
T = 2 \int_{\beta R}^R \frac{dr}{v_r}. \tag{1}
We then will try to relate $v_r$ as function of $r$ in order to do this integral.
Conservation Laws
Conservation of total energy
E(t) = -\frac{G M m}{r(t)} + \frac{1}{2} m ( v_r^2 + v_{\theta}^2 ) = 0 \tag{2}
At the nearest point, $\vec{r} = v_{\theta 0} \hat{\theta}$, $v_{r0} = 0$ at $r_o = \beta R$. We find the speed at the nearest point.
v_{\theta 0} = \sqrt{ \frac{2GM}{\beta R} } \tag{3}
Conservation of total angular momentum
L_z = m r v_\theta = m r_o v_{\theta 0} = m \sqrt{2 G M\beta R } \tag{4}
We obtain a $v_\theta$ as a function of $r$ from Eq.(4)
v_\theta (r) = \sqrt{2 G M\beta R } \frac{1}{r} \tag{5}
Function $v_r(r)$
Substitute Eq.(5) into Eq.(2) to find the $v_r$ as function of $r$:
v_r = \sqrt{ \frac{2GM}{R} } \sqrt{ \frac{R}{r} - \beta \frac{R^2}{r^2} }.
Place this relation into the Eq.(1) to complete the integral form:
T = 2 \sqrt{\frac{\beta R}{2 G M}} \int_{\beta R}^{R} \frac{dr}{\sqrt{ \frac{\beta R}{r} - \beta^2 \frac{R^2}{r^2} } }
Let $\xi = \frac{r}{\beta R}$, the integral becomes
T =2\beta R \sqrt{\frac{\beta R}{2 G M}} \int_1^{1/\beta} \frac{\xi d\xi}{\sqrt{\xi - 1} } = \sqrt{\frac{2 \beta^3 R^3}{ G M}} \int_0^{1/\beta - 1} (\sqrt{\eta} + \frac{1}{\sqrt{\eta}} ) d\eta.
In the fianl expression, we substitue $\eta = \xi -1$.
T = \sqrt{\frac{2 \beta^3 R^3}{ G M}} \{ \frac{2}{3} (\frac{1}{\beta} - 1)^{3/2} + 2 (\frac{1}{\beta}-1)^{1/2} \}
Replace $R$ by the period of Earth $T_0 = 1 year$ using relation $T_0^2 = \frac{4\pi^2}{GM} R^3$, we finally have:
T = \frac{T_0}{ 3 \pi } (1 + 2 \beta) \sqrt{2(1-\beta)}.