I've started reading about the wave-particle duality but, after a few steps, reached a dead end:
- Schrodinger equation solutions for a free particle is a sum of terms of the form:
$$\psi(\mathbf{r}, t) = Ae^{i(\mathbf{k}\cdot\mathbf{r}-\omega t)}$$
however, a single element of this form can not normalize, thus, can not exists alone. That is, a particle must be an addition of several terms, a wave packet. (TODO: verify a Gaussian wave packet normalizes :-).
- The restriction:
$$ \omega = \frac{\hbar k^2}{2m} $$
applies to previous wave function. That means that each component of the wave packet has a different propagation speed. As consequence, the particle spreads.
The question: particles tends to disperse (dissolve) ? If so, how to explain the stable existence of protons, fermions, ... ?