Is there any general criteria for maximal entanglement in 3 qubit system. I have encountered this problem-"Suppose you have a state $\frac{1}{2}(|000\rangle + |110\rangle+ |011\rangle + |101\rangle)$. If the three qubits are labeled a, b, c, obtain the reduced density matrices $\rho_{ab}$ and $\rho_a$. Argue why this is a maximally entangled state."
I have calculated density matrices $\rho_{ab}$, $\rho_a$, $\rho_b$, $\rho_c$. $$\rho_{ab}=\frac{1}{2}(|00\rangle+|11\rangle)(\langle 00|+\langle 11|)+\frac{1}{2}(|01\rangle+|10\rangle)(\langle 01|+\langle 10|)$$$\rho_a=\rho_b=\rho_c=\frac{I}{2}$. But I don't know how to argue from this matrices that it is maximally entangled. I thought that I should calculate Von-Neumann entropy. If it is 1 then it is maximally entangled. This is true for bipartite case. I don't know if it is valid for 3 qubit case. What is the criteria of maximal entanglement for 3 qubit system? Can someone help?