I calculated an expression for a decay rate of a decay of Higgs boson into two $W$ bosons. The expression is as follows
$$ \Gamma = \frac{g^2\sqrt{1-4\frac{M_W^2}{M_H^2}}}{64\pi \hbar} \frac{M_H^3}{M_W^2}\left [ 1-4\frac{M_W^2}{M_H^2}+12\frac{M_W^4}{M_H^4}\right ].$$
What I want to get is a number. I can use known masses for higgs, $M_H = 125$ $GeV/c^2$, and W boson, $M_W = 80$ $Gev/c^2$. What I dont understand is, do I need to divide by the $m_e$ and multiply by $\hbar$ to have the expression be dimensionless as i have the factor $\frac{M_H^3}{\hbar M_W^2}$. And with using these masses, I get the square root to be imaginary number. I am confused by this and dont know how to proceed.