If I have a sphere of charge Q and I ground it then the charges would flow from the sphere to the earth because Earth's potential is zero. But the potential difference between the two ends of the connecting wire would be distance dependent(?).
As in the figure the potential at $A$ would be potential due to the sphere and the earth i.e. $\frac{KQ}{r}$, where the radius of the sphere is $r$. And the potential at $B$ would be $\frac{KQ}{x}$ where $x$ is the separation between the sphere's centre and the point $B$. Also we can see that the potential contributed by the earth would be zero as earth doesn't have charge comparable to its radius. So, the Potential difference becomes: $$V=\frac{KQ}{r}-\frac{KQ}{x}$$ And as $x$ approaches $r$ (the conductor touches the surface), the potential difference should become zero and no charge should actually flow. But this isn't the case as charges do flow and potential of the sphere eventually becomes equal to zero. So, what am I missing here?