Suppose you have 3 (identical looking) boxes named A,B,C [furthermore they have identical mass]. You are told the following about the boxes:
One of the boxes actually is a uniform mass. We can call that box $B_1$
One of the boxes contains a large wheel inside spinning extremely fast. We can call that box $B_2$ [That is this box encloses a system with a large non-zero angular momentum]
The third box contains two medium sized wheels, spinning in opposite directions, [That is this box encloses a system with net-$0$ angular momentum], this box is called $B_3$.
The problem:
Is it possible to devise an experiment to differentiate between the 3 boxes simply on the basis of their internal states?
What I've found so far:
Identifying $B_2$ is quite easy to do. We can take all three boxes and have 3 separate people/machines $P_1, P_2, P_3$ (each of which is sitting on a spinning chair or some structure with one degree of rotational freedom) hold them and then rotate them.
When this occurs one of $P_1, P_2, P_3$ will start to undergo rotation of their chair/structure because of conservation of angular momentum. That particular person/machine was holding box $B_2$.
How to differentiate boxes $B_1, B_3$ however?
A potential strategy but it does seem like overkill:
You could try to put the two remaining boxes into orbits around identical large masses. The hope is that the box with 2-rotating wheels might behave differently in its orbit due to lens-dragging but this seems like an excessively complicated strategy.
In a similar spirit, if we assumed the wheels were charged we could look for magnetic effects outside the box, but in this case we are adding an assumption to the problem that I don't want to take for granted.
Some techniques I considered that didn't work:
Collisions: Attempting to collide the boxes doesn't appear to give rise to anything interesting mainly because the internal contents don't have any unique quantity [ex: angular momentum] to transfer to an object that it collides with.
Rotations: Rotating the box by itself doesn't appear to have any interesting properties [Although I do plan on experimentally verifying this]. Since the angular momentum of the box is 0 before and after rotation, you can essentially argue that there won't be any torque acting back on the system rotating the box. It's exactly this type of back action that was exploited in the single-rotating wheel case.