I am programming a vehicle system for a company, but I cannot find the right formulas to be able to have access to the resistance pulse of a wheel attached to an axle during acceleration / deceleration. All I know is that this value decreases with acceleration and increases with deceleration, but I can't get my finger on it. I am able to find the angular momentum, the rolling coefficient, the friction coefficient and the rolling resistance, but I cannot find a formula allowing me to use these in order to be able to find this value.
The vehicle travels at a speed of $2{km/h}$ with wheels of a radius of $0.59{m}$
The torque sent by the engine with a revolution of 900 rpm during an acceleration ($200{N m}$) sent to the transmission: $ T = 200{N m}$
The transmission multiplies the torque received from the engine by a transmission ratio (8.03) : $ T = (200{N\cdot m}) (8.03) $
The differential again multiplies the torque received from the transmission (3.36): $ T = (200{N\cdot m}) ((8.03)(3.36)) $
I do not take into account in this version the loss due to friction.
In this case, the Fz is the force (in newton) of the suspension which is connected to the vehicle of $14014{N}$.
$ Fz = 14014{N} $
$ Vx{(m/s)} = (2{km/h} (3.6)) $
$ r = 0.59{m} $
$ rpm = 8.9917 $
$\Omega{(rad/s)} = r * \omega = {0.59m * (rpm({8.9917})/9.5492)}$
I'm trying to find the Fx with the formulas mentioned above as well as the context.
$ Fx = ?$