I was opening a package that was plastic wrapped from the super market with the prong of a fork, and this pattern (in the picture) emerged:
I started by poking the prong of the fork (right side of the picture), and slid it along the package (left in the pic). This sine wave like pattern appeared, and I am very intrigued into why this happened. I tried it again with a different pack, but the result just looked random, much like I have seen before.
Is there any reason this sort of pattern would develop? I wasn't trying to create a pattern when I opened it. The very first 'oscillation' from the right looks like it has a longer 'wavelength' than the rest of the pattern, which makes me suspect some property of the plastic caused this particular pattern to emerge.
I have tried looking for an answer online, but I can't seem to find anything when I search for information on patterns induced by cutting.
Is there a simple explanation for this phenomenon? (I apologise if this is an ill fitted question; my motivation for asking is really only curiosity because I found this quite surprising).