In Maggiore's book on Gravitational Waves, he derives the energy-momentum tensor $t_{\mu\nu}$ associated with a gravitational wave. From this, he gives in equation (1.161) that the momentum (in the $k$-direction) of gravitational waves inside a spherical shell $V$ at large distances away from the source is $$P_V^k = \frac1c\int_Vd^3x\ t^{0k}.$$ Differentiating both sides with respect to $x^0$ gives equation (1.162): $$\partial_0P_V^k = \frac1c\int_Vd^3x\ \partial_0t^{0k}.$$ However, in the next line Maggiore claims that this equals $$-\frac1c\int_SdA\ t^{0k}$$ where $S$ is the boundary of the volume.
How does this last step follow? The only tools I assume were used are the divergence theorem and the fact that $\partial^{\mu}t_{\mu\nu}=0$ in equation (1.141) for gravitational waves far from the source in approximately flat spacetime.