[I know the question is already more than one year old, but just in case someone, like me yesterday, looks for the answer - here it comes]
The conservation law is implicitly imposed by the form of polarization vectors/spinors, so indeed you can sum over all polarizations - the non-physical combinations will automatically vanish.
To see it working, let us consider a theory with a massive vector X and two fermions: $\psi_1$ and $\psi_2$. Let the Lagrangian contain a vertex combining all of them and let $m_1 > m_2 + m_X$. Let us consider the decay:
$$\psi_1 \to X + \psi_2$$
with particles' momenta given by:
What happens if, for example, the $\psi_1$ and $\psi_2$ quarks are polarized oppositely and projection of $X$'s spin onto a given axis is 0?
The matrix element, up to a constant, reads
$$\mathcal{M}^{(-\,,\;0\,,\;+)}=\bar u_2^{(+)}(p_2)\;\gamma_\mu\;u_1^{(-)}(p_1)\cdot\epsilon^\mu(p_X\,,\;s=0)\;.$$
Inserting polarization vectors/spinors in their explicit form, we obtain (up to normalization)
\frac{\vec\sigma\cdot\vec p_2}{E_2+m_2}\left(\begin{array}{c}1\\0\end{array}\right)
\frac{\vec\sigma\cdot\vec p_1}{E_1+m_1}\left(\begin{array}{c}0\\1\end{array}\right)
If you now express the gamma matrices explicitly (in Weyl reprezentation):
you will see that
as it should since spin is not conserved: $-\frac12 \neq 0 + \frac12$.