I know that universe is expanding equally between every pair of points but it was a single point in it's very past... so I was wondering if we could locate this center point of universe. Now I know that we can't and read (on this site) that whatever direction would we go - it would take us closer and closer to big bang... it makes me wonder - if we will trying to get there, there will be our new starting point so going back should take us even closer to this big bang but well, we should have the opportunity to go back to our 1st starting point and it was "farther" before, not closer at all.
Also, as the universe is still expanding and the stars will eventually run out of fuel, would it be possible to try to escape from the situation by flying ahead the big bang and reaching parts of universe that have their state similar to past of "our part of the universe"? Does it mean that the universe is creating itself all the time and dying all the time too?