I'm trying to solve the non-interacting single impurity Anderson model where we consider free electrons in a conduction band: $$H_{cond} =\sum_k \varepsilon_k c_k^\dagger c_k$$ and an impurity with Hamiltonian $$H_{trap} =\varepsilon_c b^\dagger b. $$ Also, there is some interaction between the impurity and the conduction band described by the Hamiltonian $$H_{int} =\sum_k A_k \left( c_k^\dagger b +b^\dagger c_k \right),$$ where the second term describes an electron being removed from the conduction band and getting trapped by the impurity, while the first term is when the electron gets off the impurity and returns to the conduction band.
Now I'm interested in calculated the propagator for the trapped state. $$G_{trap} (t) = -\langle \Psi |T[b(t)b^\dagger(0)]|\Psi\rangle$$ However to calculate the second correction $$G^{(2)}_{trap} = -i\frac{1}{2!i^2}\int dt_1 \int dt_2 \langle \Psi_0 | T[b(t)H_{int}(t_1)H_{int}(t_2)b^\dagger (0) | \Psi_0 \rangle$$ I need to evaluate this time-ordered product using Wick's theorem. However, I'm struggling with applying Wick's theorem, e.g. can I separate the operators of the impurity and the electron or not, because they are both fermionic? If someone could give me some hints on how to apply Wick's theorem here. Thank you.