Working in the $|\alpha, j,m_j\rangle$ basis (denoting all irrelevant quantum numbers by $\alpha$), the Wigner-Eckart theorem tells us that the elements of a rank $k$ spherical tensor $T_q^{(k)}$ can be found with the Clebsch-Gordon coefficients:
$$\langle \alpha',j',m_j'|T_q^{(k)}|\alpha,j,m_j\rangle=\langle j,k;m_j,q|j,k;j',m_j'\rangle\langle\alpha',j'||T^{(k)}||\alpha,j\rangle.$$
From the Clebsch-Gordon coefficients we immediately know that the selection rules are
$$\Delta m_j=m_j'-m_j=q \\ |\Delta j|=|j'-j|\leq k,$$
and subject to parity we can usually restrict $|\Delta j|$ to either the even or odd integers. No problem there. My confusion comes when we explicitly include orbital angular momentum $l$ and spin $s$ into the above, represent our state in the $|n,l,s,j,m_j\rangle$ basis, and are interested in the elements
$$\langle \alpha',l',s',j',m_j'|T_q^{(k)}|\alpha,l,s,j,m_j\rangle.$$
I'm pretty sure the $\Delta m_j=q$ selection is entirely unaffected, but I'm confused about the second. We know that $|l-s|\leq j\leq l+s$, and I am tempted to define another parameter, call it $X$, where $|l-j|\leq X \leq l+j$, and state the modified selection rule as
$$|\Delta X|\leq k,$$
but I feel as though I'm somehow being redundant. Perhaps everything about orbital is already included in the $|\Delta j|\leq k$, and my comments of $X$ do not make any sense. So, my overall question: what are the selection rules for the matrix elements of a spherical tensor when working in the $|n,l,s,j,m_j\rangle$ basis?