Suppose you have acquired some data from a measurement and you have the following numbers:
- measurement 1: $1.510 \pm 0.085$
- measurement 2: $1.608 \pm 0.089$
- measurement 3: $1.566 \pm 0.059$
- measurement 4: $1.638 \pm 0.066$
- measurement 5: $1.660 \pm 0.071$
So I have 5 values with their respective uncertainties. Now I'd like to take the mean value of these 5 and report the standard deviation. Three scenarios are in front of my eyes:
I take the mean and compute the s.d. by using only the values with no erros, and I get a mean of $1.596 \pm 0.060$;
I compute the s.d. by using the propagation of errors formula, where $Q = A+B$, then $dQ = (dA^2 +dB^2)^{1/2}$, and I sum in quadrature for all the 5 errors reported above and I obtain a value of $1.596 \pm 0.168$, well larger with respect to case 1;
I take the mean of the errors of the 5 measurements that I have with a value of $1.596 \pm 0.074$.
I'm really confused because I'm not able to understand how to manage the case where you have to average some data which have errors. If someone has some clues and hints it would be very appreciated.