What you could do is to represent each data-point by a normal distribution and using the uncertainty of the data points as standard deviation of that distribution. Using a simple simulation, you could verify that this improves the result. Here is my simple example:
I generated $N=50$ fake data points $\{y_1, \ldots, y_{50}\}$ around the value 100, and used the deviance of the target value as the standard deviation of that data point $\{sd_1, \ldots, sd_{50}\}$ -- I additionally used some noise. The $y_i$ represent the measured values and the $sd_i$ the associated uncertainty. The dataset looks like this:
Calculating the standard median value of this dataset yields
Median[y] \approx 99.37
I estimate the 95% confidence interval of the median by using bootstrapping to be
CI_{95\%} = [97.08, 101.83]
Next, I represented each "measured value" $y_i$ by a distribution -- this is similar to using bootstrapping with unequal probabilities for picking each value. To keep it simple, I simulate $n_{sim}=100$ random values $\{r^{(i)}_1, \ldots r^{(i)}_{100}\}$ for each "measured" data point $y_i$. These random values are drawn from the normal distribution,
r^{(i)} \sim N(\mu=y_i, \sigma = sd_i)
$ -- note that I use the measured value and it's uncertainty as input parameters. This results in a much narrower peak around the true median value, as can be seen in the following plot:
Calculating the median value of this dataset yields
Median[r] \approx 99.91
The bootstrap 95% confidence interval is given by
CI_{95\%} = [99.81, 100.04]
Both are much closer to the true value.