In both relativity and Newtonian mechanics, it is a self-evident axiom according to which two inertial observers who move relative to each other measure the same velocity of, say, $v$. I want to know why this is so. One may say that our daily experience, easily verifies this postulate, however, to me, it is not convincing.
Assume that two objects $A$ & $B$ are at rest with respect to each other. Then, $B$ decides to approach $A$ at a constant velocity after undergoing an arbitrary acceleration. If $A$ measures the velocity of $B$ as $v_{BA}$, I can easily claim that $B$ measures the velocity of $v_{AB}$ for $A$ so that for non-relativistic velocities we always have:
$$v_{BA} \approx v_{AB}=v$$
However, which experiments have verified the above equation thus far for when the velocities are relativistic?
For better compatibility with experiment, assume that $B$, who has already undergone an acceleration, can never exceed the speed of light as measured by $A$. ($v_{BA}<c$) Now, assume that $v_{AB}$ complies with the challenging equation below: $$v_{AB}=\gamma_{v_{BA}}v_{BA}$$ where $\gamma_{v_{BA}}$ is the traditional Lorentz factor. It is clear that if $c/{\sqrt{2}}<v_{BA}<c$, $v_{AB}$ exceeds the speed of light so that for $v_{BA}\approx c$, $v_{AB}$ tends to infinity. If we want to disprove the odd equation above, we have to investigate the viewpoint of observer $B$ for when his velocity is a considerable portion of the speed of light as measured by $A$. According to our current technology, it seems impossible to set a human being in motion at a significant portion of the speed of light, and want him/her to tell us about their measurements as to the relative velocity of the surrounding objects especially the other observer ($A$)!
Although this deduction upsets the symmetry of special relativity, I am curious to know if there are some experiments against this idea.