I'm looking at current readings from each branch in a fairly simple parallel circuit, and I'm trying to make sure that I am correctly diagnosing the problem based on the trends that I'm seeing in the data.
I have a constant voltage source and a number of branches in parallel. Each branch has a resistor in the form of a fuse. One of the fuses blows and creates an open circuit. In this situation, the resistance on the branch with the blown fuse should approach infinity, current on that branch drops to zero, and the total resistance of the circuit increases.
My question is this: What effect, if any, does an open circuit on one branch have on the current flow in the other branches in the parallel circuit? In my data trends, I'm seeing a drop in current from the rest of the branches in the circuit that I believe was caused by the blown fuse. V=IR, so an increase in total resistance should be accompanied by a decrease in total current to maintain constant voltage. But I would think that the decrease in total current would strictly come from the complete loss of current on the branch with the blown fuse, and that the current in the other branches would be unaffected. Am I not understanding something correctly here?