"Probability density" is nowhere to be found in the WP article you are link-quoting. I'll try to detail @rob 's recommendation that should have sufficed to answer your question, together with the article linked. Set $\hbar=1$ here for simplicity, easily reinstatable by elementary dimensional analysis. I sense the confusion might reside in the bra-ket notation used.
Recall states such as $|i\rangle$, etc are dimensionless... they are not dimensionful like $|x\rangle$ or $\psi(x)=\langle x|\psi\rangle$. So thinking about spacial probabilities and volume integrals is a canard: you never considered space integrals at the level of this treatment (but you may need them to produce the final matrix element). You just do time-dependent perturbation theory w.r.t. time-varying dimensionless coefficients $a(t)$.
In these units, then, the transition amplitude $\langle f|H'|i \rangle $ has dimensions of frequency, so, inverse time. Squared, it produces the decay rate to a single state k, with energy very, very close to that of i:
$$\Gamma_{i\rightarrow k }= \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} \left|a_k(t)\right|^2 \sim {2|\langle k| H'|i\rangle |^2} ~ t. $$
Integrated over a small time interval, it will give you the probability of your single state decay $i \rightarrow k$ during that interval. You know the drill of accounting for a collection of i s...
Putting lots of final states into the decay channels, their uneven contributions to the relevant integral will give you
\Gamma_{i \rightarrow f}= {2 \pi} \left | \langle f|H'|i \rangle \right |^{2} \rho ,
where ρ, the density of states, has dimensions of time, since integration over its argument, frequency or energy, must net one (dimensionless). In total, the decay rate $\Gamma_{i \rightarrow f}$ has
dimensions of inverse time, or energy (the width of plots versus energy).
"Golden" refers to the rather surprising outcome that it is constant.