I'm studying a discrete state coupled to a continuum of states. The Hamiltonian of this interaction, which i called Friedrichs Hamiltonian, is given by: $$H_{F}=E_{e}|e\rangle\langle e|+\int U|\chi_{U}\rangle\langle\chi_{U}|dU+\int\left(\xi_{U}|\chi_{U}\rangle\langle e|+\xi_{U}^{*}|e\rangle\langle\chi_{U}|\right)dU.$$ $E_{e}$ is the energy of the discrete state, $|e\rangle$, $U$ is the energy of the continuum of states, $|\chi_{U}\rangle$ and $\xi_{U}$ is the coupling coefficient of the discrete state to the continuum.
After some calculations, i got that the amplitude of probability is given by: $$\langle e\vert e^{-iHt}\vert e\rangle=\int\vert A(E)\vert^{2}e^{-iEt}dE,$$ so, the time evolution of the probability is: $$P=\vert\langle e\vert e^{-iHt}\vert e\rangle\vert^{2}=\int\vert A(E)\vert^{2}e^{-iEt}dE\int\vert A(E^{\prime})\vert^{2}e^{iE^{\prime}t}dE^{\prime}.$$ Where $E$ and $E'$ are energies of the continuum. $\vert A(E)\vert$ is the coeficient of the wave function associated with the discrete state. The value of $\vert A(E)\vert^{2}$ was also calculated and given by: $$\Rightarrow\vert A(E)\vert^{2}=\frac{\left|\xi_{E}\right|^{2}}{\left[E-E_{e}-F(E)\right]^{2}+\left|\xi_{E}\right|^{4}\pi^{2}}.$$ So, from this, i can suppose that the bandwith of the continuous spectrum is given by $\Gamma=2\pi\left|\xi_{E}\right|^{2}$ and the decayment time by $\tau=\Gamma^{-1}=\frac{1}{2\pi\left|\xi_{E}\right|^{2}}$.
I'm trying to calculate the transition rate from the discrete state to the continuum, Fermi's Golden Rule.
Can someone help me calculating for this case, please? I'm having some difficulties.