my goal is to estimate vapor pressure deficit ($vpd$) from Relative Humidity ($rh = \frac{e}{e_s}$):
$$vpd = \frac{100 - \frac{e}{e_s}}{100} e_s$$
(from Hartmann "Global Physical Climatology)
But it is surprisingly difficult to find values of climatological mean $rh$ (e.g. see motivating question at gis.SE. It turns out that WeatherUnderground provides values of dewpoint.
At first I thought it would be trivial to convert from dewpoint to $e$ or $rh$, but according to Lawrence 2005, there is no direct conversion, only a "highly accurate conversion" to get from water vapor pressure ($e$) to the dewpoint ($t_d$) (equation 7):
$$t_d = \frac{B (ln\frac{e}{C})}{A - ln (\frac{e}{C})}$$
Where $[A,B,C]$ are empirical constants$[17.625, 243.04^oC,610.94Pa]$
- why is there no exact relationship between $e$ and $t_d$?
- how can I solve the last equation for $e = f(t_d)$ (or $rh$)?