I am currently taking the online course on Relativity and Astrophysics provided by Cornell on EdX.
There, how the apparent velocity of an object moving at a fraction of c might sometimes be greater than c was shown. But the thought experiment only described a situation where the moving object was approaching the observer. And the fact that V(app) for an object moving away from the observer in some fraction of light will always be greater than -c/2 was only stated. I tried to think of a situation where I would be able to visualize this but I couldn't. So, can anyone please describe a thought experiment where it can be seen that V(app) for an object moving away at a fraction of speed of light will be greater than -c/2?
If you want to see the exact thought experiment used in the course. This is the hand out. If you can use the same situation as in the handout, it would be even better. Gracias.